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četvrtak, 19 oktobar 2017

Confronting Wicked Problems: Adapting Architectural Education to the New Situation in Europe


In the summer of 2014, EAAE Council was awarded an Erasmus+ Project titled “Confronting Wicked Problems: Adapting Architectural Education to the New Situation in Europe”. Having run from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017, the so called “Wicked Project” has focused on certain aspects that play a substantial role in the present and near future of architecture’s teaching and practice, namely professional knowledge, heritage and sustainability. Results obtained by twenty-five researchers organized in three think tanks along with many stakeholders, have been condensed in a final report and eleven attachments which are now made available to the public. 

Please find attached the final report. Full documentation can be found on the EAAE Website:




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